Benefits of lunch break for students

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Lunchtime is probably a favorite for every student. Lunchtime is very important for every student whether they are in the class nursery to 12th or even an undergraduate or postgraduate Everyone needs a lunch break.

In this blog post, I will share with you the benefits of lunch back for students. how a lunch break is important for every student? The lunch break is probably only 30 minutes. There are so many things you can do during lunch break. For Examples

  • You can bring a lunch box from home for lunch.
  • You can go to the canteen during lunch.
  • You can pass the time with your friends
  • You can go to the washroom and drink water.

Or, Even more,

Improved Concentration: Taking a lunch break allows students to refuel their bodies and minds, leading to increased concentration and focus during afternoon classes.

Enhanced Academic Performance: Adequate nutrition from a well-balanced lunch contributes to better cognitive function and academic performance.

Social Development: Lunch breaks provide students with the opportunity to socialize, fostering positive relationships with peers and contributing to overall social development.

Stress Reduction: A break in the middle of the day can help alleviate stress and fatigue, promoting mental well-being and a more positive attitude.

Physical Health: Consuming a nutritious lunch provides essential nutrients for growth, development, and overall physical health.

Energy Boost: Eating a balanced lunch helps replenish energy levels, preventing the mid-afternoon slump and promoting sustained energy throughout the day.

Improved Mood: A break from academic demands allows students to relax, recharge, and return to class with a more positive outlook, leading to improved mood and emotional well-being.

Cognitive Development: Breaks provide a chance for students to engage in activities that stimulate cognitive development, such as reading, hobbies, or creative pursuits.

Establishing Healthy Habits: Taking regular lunch breaks encourages the development of healthy eating habits, which can have long-term benefits for overall well-being.

But guess what, you have to choose carefully because each option has consequences, except for bringing your own lunch from home. Even then, it’s a hassle to pack lunch during your morning rush. Who does that? If you choose to get lunch from the school cafeteria, you might have good or bad luck, but most of the time it’s bad luck. Everyone is trying to get lunch, so friends let their buddies butt in line, making it even longer. Once you get your lunch, you have about 10 minutes to eat. It’s enough time, but students often want a little more time to relax after eating.

If you starve yourself because you don’t want to wait in line or don’t have time to go home for a quick bite, it’s probably the worst option. Firstly, we are teenagers and get “hangry.” Secondly, you need all the energy to get through the last period.

If you give in to your cravings and go to Chick-Fil-A because you deserve it after acing a test, you won’t make it on time for your last class. Most teachers hate lateness, even by a minute. Even if you get your food, you have to scarf it down because most teachers won’t let you in class, and you need to respect that. If you had more time, there would be no rush.

Students need time to eat and take a break for our last period. It’s possible; if we take 5 minutes for each class, we can have a 50-minute lunch break. 5 minutes won’t harm our education. Schools like Lone Peak, American Fork, Skyridge, and even Timpanogos have a 40-minute lunch and still get out by 2:15 pm. A student from Timp explained that having a 40-minute lunch is super nice and gives her a break from school. She said, “Having 40 minutes for a lunch break makes me feel more at ease and less stressed out. It also makes me feel like my lunchtime isn’t rushed.”

An extra 20 minutes is all we ask for. Many of my friends think the same way; they think that 30 minutes are too short for a lunch break. Back in elementary school, we had lunch and then were allowed to go to recess. You know why they let elementary students do that? Because they need time to stretch their legs and destress from school work. Kids need time to not worry about school work for a bit. The same goes for teenagers; some of us would like to eat lunch in peace and then maybe have time to do something that destresses us.

This could also benefit teachers so they can eat their lunch and help out more students that might need that extra help. I know it’s a big stretch for this to happen, but it would honestly help many students. Most students would be grateful if we had this opportunity, but until then, we will stick with our short 30 minutes of a break.

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